Didactic materials

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Media type
Mixed-ability & Interdisplinary materials

Data analysis with simple functions and charts
Datenauswertung mit einfachen Funktionen u. Diagr.
Analiza podataka
Authors Eva Bauer
Subjects Computer science
Tags Temperature, Diagram
Level Lower secondary education
Media type Lesson
Published 2016
Scope 1 lesson
Data analysis with PivotCharts
Datenauswertung mit PivotCharts
Analiziranje podatkov z Pivotcharts
Authors Eva Bauer
Subjects Computer science
Tags Temperature, Diagram
Level Lower secondary education
Media type Lesson
Published 2016
Scope 2 lessons
Diagrams, charts and graphs
Diagramme unterscheiden und erstellen
Prikazovanje podatkov z grafikoni
Izrada i razlikovanje dijagrama
Authors Eva Bauer
Subjects Computer science
Tags Diagram
Level Lower secondary education
Media type Lesson
Published 2016
Scope 3 lessons